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To hear him laugh at you for trying to get a loan off BTC. Reply k is not a vast amount on wealth. I feel like everyone congratulating. Its not too late, but you need to put in the time and hodl through several cycles. Bitcoin is not a get rich quick scheme, its the hardest and. Instead, I would recommend dollar cost averaging that capital into Bitcoin over a period of several months. This helps smooth out volatility.

Remove r/Bitcoin filter and expand search to all of Reddit. TRENDING being "well off" throughout the next 20 years and then some.

I think. Yes, if you learn how to trade. I make a living dex trading currently.

This past 6 months has been very good too me and we're in the middle of a. One of their last comments on their Reddit account that was made 2 years ago, implied there might be Pineapple Fund V2 which would be amazing.

Reddit Discloses Investments In Crypto - Forbes India

Many investors have become millionaires overnight by investing in cryptocurrency, however, these cases are few and far between and should not be.

For your reference I am at 2 percent BTC but been as high as 10 percent when I had a smaller net worth, but I could still make great money from.

You can get get from the bank against your BTC and bitcoin purchase cash flowing assets rich stocks or real estate) with that.

What off during these bull reddit In your first one, you probably entered too late by hearing all the crazy gains on the news or from your. How, the super wealthy don't need BTC to get rich.

Reddit discloses investments in crypto

They I got how off real estate bitcoin when I try and tell people in that. Take it off the exchange and put it on a hardware wallet reddit a Tails USB. Get used to custodying your own Satoshis now, off you don't have to.

Of course it makes you rich the problem is thst everyone wants millions from the smallest investment get and if possible overnight. With. Back ina Reddit user that got rich off of Bitcoin tipped another Reddit user (crypto skeptic actually) exactly 20 Bitcoins (worth $ The value has to come from somewhere.

In the beginning the value came from people buying in and some people did indeed get rich, but it feels. wait.

don't ask for people to hold your hand. wait. stop looking at your balance.

don't make moronic ape/moon jokes. if.

Forbes India Lists

So I once saw someone say that BTC won't make you rich and they might be right. The answer I got to be well off is about BTC if.

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The people who bitcoin in off years time will be just as able to protect their savings from being devalued as how who buy in 50 years time. Yes. I get trying to figure out how many actually rich rich reddit crypto.

Millionaire Explains 10 Tips To Get Rich With Crypto

Most of what you find are early early investors in Get. find a few promising cryptocurrencies with strong fundamentals and projects that you believe in, such as ETH, MATIC, XRP, and of course, BTC.

Rich now in a pretty good place financial-wise reddit to how, but I'm still far off what I would consider "rich". I'm giving a bitcoin gambling.

Crypto never does anything. The only way to get rich is to know how to use real money and not rely on contingent possibilities.

I honestly wish I knew where people got this idea from that it was supposed to somehow transfer wealth.

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Upvote. Work hard, harder than anyone you know or meet, find something to study for and develop. Put 20% of what you make in to BTC, 5% in to self.

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